The Small Signs

"I keep expecting loud and impressive events to convince me and others of God's saving power...Our temptation is to be distracted by them...When I have no eyes for the small signs of God's presence–the smile of a baby, the carefree play of children, the words of encouragement and gestures of love offered by friends–I will always remain tempted to despair. The small child of Bethlehem, the unknown man of Nazareth, the rejected preacher, the naked man on the cross, he asks for my full attention. The work of our salvation takes place in the midst of a world that continues to shout, scream, and overwhelm us with its claims and promises." –Henri Nouwen

Throughout the history of the world, the Lord has worked in grand and marvelous ways. That is, in fact, where our eyes and hearts are taken during the season of Advent with its apocalyptic emphasis. But these awesome acts are not the only ways the Lord works. More often, as Henri highlights, we see the goodness of God in the less-than-glamorous work, the "small signs" that illuminate the nearness of God.

During this Advent we as a parish are taking the time to be these small signs to those at Aurora Commons. Details are below in the announcements, but I want to encourage you with this as well: use this opportunity to also connect with friends, neighbors, classmates, and co-workers in this act of love and care. Though intended to be a small sign to those at the Commons, it may also be a small sign to your neighbors and others invited to join this work.

Grace & Peace


Humble Mary


God is Stable