Dispelling Clouds of Darkness
Worry and anxiety can drive a person in all sorts of directions, and drive them further from God. This is its design and nature, at least in part. For it fragments and fractures the resolve, confidence, and certitude of a person with, at times, baseless claims. It does not much matter what the claim is; if it provokes doubt and discouragement then worry has won the day. This isn't all that new.
Paul wrote to the churches in Thessalonica where it appears some had stirred them up with doubt and anxiety by suggesting that the Lord Jesus had already returned to take his own (2 Thess 2). This indeed would have created quite the anxious situation which could easily promote despair. Paul warns them against despair and encourages them that Jesus had not yet gathered his own. More than this, he wisely exhorts them to refrain from idleness, going so far as to say those who do not work, should not eat! (3:10). It can certainly be the case that some in those communities were actively and intentionally misleading others into idleness: "eat, drink, be merry for Jesus came and we missed him!" It may also have been the case that for others, the whispers of worry began to create fissures in their hearts, try as they might to stop them.
So it may be with some of us. The stresses of our current circumstances may foment worry or anxiety, leading us to idleness or to be frantically accomplishing nothing, all of which drives us away from God and can draw us away from his Church.
For those of you who know others who are anxious, "encourage one another and build one another up...encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all" says Paul (1 Thess 5:11, 14). A simple and kind word can do much good, prayers as well. For those who are anxious or fearful–such things are understandable–confide in a friend, spouse, housemate, etc. (I am always available, too.) Do not keep disruptive things in the dark where they can only do more damage. But also daily draw near to the light of God through prayer and his Word. I was reminded yesterday at Vespers by another parishioner how centering those 30 mins can be. We do simple things: pray and read Scripture. And the Lord delights to do great things through simple means.
"Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will do it." (1 Thess 5:23-24)
Grace & Peace