Enamored by the Beloved

I've sat at this computer for the past 15+ minutes attempting to figure out the best way to introduce this note, but this sentence is all I've got. So I suppose that functions as my introduction. *Pat on the back.*

Listening to a local musician this evening–King's Kaleidoscope–I found myself prompted by a question though the song had little to do with it: by what am I enamored? What has a gravitational effect on my heart, drawing me in to it? And this line of inquiry led to the following: in what ways am I enamored by God? Hm.

I suppose my first response would be I am enamored by God's desire to be known by his people, as made explicit by the incarnation of Jesus. He wants to be found. And in finding him, one finds life itself. I haven't gotten over that one yet and doubt I ever will. I'm not even sure I'd want to for that matter, for it is a fountain of grace to my weaknesses.

How might you respond to that question: what ways are you enamored by God? The question isn't geared towards highlighting the information you know about him. Rather its aim is to draw to your heart and mind aspects of God that warm your heart toward him in love.

For some, you may already have a list the length of your arm by the time you finish this sentence. If that is you, that is a gift and continue delighting in God. For others, you may find it challenging to call to mind, let alone voice out loud, ways you are enamored by him. Maybe the idea itself–a heart, your heart, warmed and open to God–is unnerving or awkward. Perhaps you find it hard to be enamored by God because of present grief, difficulty, or pain. Being enamored by him does not require loud or boisterous responses. It can even be found in warm tears as difficulty still looms on the horizon.

Regardless of where the Lord has you in life–and this does not disregard your present circumstances–may you rest in this: "See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are." (1 Jn 3:1)

Grace & Peace


Shaped by the Cross


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