The Warmth of Light

I want to express my thanks to you and to God for our worship last week. As a parish, we have been planning and preparing for Bishop Ken's visit with us, which included my installation and confirmation of several parishioners. Both were moving to me and I am grateful to have a part in what the Lord is doing in Emmanuel.

I was encouraged by the time I had with Bishop Ken, walking Green Lake as we talked about the parish. Sitting down to dinner on Sunday evening he continued to express how encouraged he is for our parish and what the Lord may do with us in the months and years ahead. Additionally, Laura (my wife) and I were wonderfully encouraged by your cards and words after our worship last week! The gift of hospitality is alive and well in this parish, something we knew but continue to experience. It is a gift that we as a parish should continue to pour out to others around us, especially in Seattle with its known "Seattle Freeze". To take a line from Jean Valjean: "to love another person is to see the face of God." Our care for others has a reciprocal effect on our own hearts and lives.

As we enter the darker months ahead, the metaphoric and real "freeze" may seem all the more real. That is normal in most years, but perhaps magnified in 2020 due to the election, the pandemic, and continued injustice. As a parish, let us have eyes open and ears listening for ways we can be the love of Jesus to those nearby. As his love has warmed our hearts, may that warmth emanate from us to others. If you yourself are going through a darker than normal time, please say something. Darkness loves darkness and hates the light, yet light provides warmth, sight, and health. There is always an open invitation to seek me out and I know that is also true for others in our parish.

Grace & Peace


The Powerful Word


Hope During Election